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Becoming a member of Tameside Libraries

Membership of the library service is free for all residents. You can join at any branch in Tameside by presenting proof of your name and current address. There is no minimum age for joining, but those under the age of 16 years require the consent of a parent or guardian to complete registration, either in person or over the phone. Please call 0161 342 4000.

Register online

You may join the library online by clicking on the button below. This will give you a temporary borrower number and membership for 3 months. You will need to visit a library to collect your library card to gain full member privileges. Please do not join again online if you already have an account as this will result in a duplicate record. If you are unsure if you have an account with us please call on 0161 342 4000.

Conditions of membership

  • To borrow items you must present your library membership card.
  • Books can be borrowed free of charge for up to 3 weeks. You can also borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and online newspapers free of charge. There is a small charge for other items.
  • You may borrow up to twenty items on your card. These can be borrowed from and returned to any library in Tameside.
  • An item may be renewed up to eight times unless there is a reservation on it.
  • Overdue fines are charged for the late return of items.
  • You may not be able to borrow items if you have overdue items or outstanding charges.
  • Items in stock or on order in any Tameside library can be reserved free of charge.
  • All costs incurred by the Library due to items lost or damaged whilst in your care must be reimbursed.
  • If you change your address or name please notify us immediately.
  • Please report lost cards to the library immediately. You will be held responsible for any items borrowed before the loss is reported.
  • Membership details are confidential and will not be disclosed to other parties.


Click the button below to accept these conditions and proceed to the registration form.

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